
About Us

Organizations active in Hurricane Helene recovery efforts have been working fiercely for five months and counting. These groups are doing amazing work, yet no one group can accomplish successful recovery without the collaboration of many others. One of the critical efforts in progress is to maximize effectiveness and efficiency, reduce duplication of services, eliminate wasted resources, and continue to bring the community together. This is the purpose of the Avery County Long Term Recovery Group (ALTRG). More than 50 local organizations in Avery County have come together to coordinate services ranging from construction and rebuilding, to financial assistance, to volunteer housing and everything in between.

The first initial meeting between groups was held at Grandfather Mountain on November 26, 2024, where formation began, and the large group met again on February 24, 2025. From here, breakout sessions formed committees, each with an appointed chair. Each committee will meet on a regular basis, and all committee chairs meet bi-monthly. Large group meetings will resume quarterly and are open to any organizations or volunteers who would like to communicate, collaborate, coordinate, and cooperate productively, proving that we are stronger together.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Avery County Long-Term Recovery Group is to deliver disaster recovery services to survivors of Hurricane Helene who are residing in the service area by sharing information, simplifying access to services, and jointly resolving cases with unmet, and disaster-related long-term recovery needs.

Contact Information

For those in need: Contact the ALTRG Housing Help Line at 828.387.5269

For ways to get involved as a volunteer or donate: Email contact@averytlrg.com

For more detailed information and Resource & Service Forms go to: Resource & Service Forms